I'm ready for my new family!


I'm Available

Meet Cursive, a delightful 3-year-old female dachshund with a unique parti-colored coat that adds to her charm! This affectionate girl is known for her playful spirit and friendly nature. Cursive loves to cuddle and is always eager to explore new surroundings. She gets along well with other pets and is great with kids, making her a perfect addition to any family.  She is pottie and dog-door trained.

If you’re looking for a loyal companion with a vibrant personality, Cursive wants to write her new future with you!

  • Dachshund
  • Female
  • 3 Years OldMy DoB is 01/01/2021 (Estimated)
  • 10 - 20 Pounds
  • Oklahoma
  • Particolor
  • Gentle and Friendly
  • $ 600.00
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